February 22, 2025

2022 SAT Test Dates: Full Guide to Choosing (2022)

2022 SAT Test Dates: Full Guide to Choosing (2022)



March 12 SAT Test Date

The SAT is offered seven times a year, but which SAT test dates will work best for you and your schedule? What essential factors should you consider before creating an SAT schedule? What are the best SAT dates for juniors? For seniors?


In this comprehensive guide, we offer you the most current info on SAT test dates (domestic and international) for 2021-2022. We also give you our top tips for choosing the best SAT test dates for you as well as tons of resources to help you navigate the complicated web of SAT/ACT test dates.

SAT Dates and Deadlines 2021

In general, the College Board administers the SAT on Saturdays, with more tests offered in the fall. If you can’t take the test on a Saturday for religious or other reasons, Sunday alternate dates are usually available.

Below, we give you SAT test dates, normal registration deadlines, late registration deadlines, and score release dates for the remaining 2021 test dates. All of these dates are confirmed by the College Board.

We’ve listed international test dates in separate tables since the SAT is administered on fewer dates outside the US.


SAT Test Dates 2021 (US)

Test Date Normal Deadline Late Registration* Online Score Release
December 4, 2021 November 4, 2021 November 23, 2021 December 17, 2021

*The late registration deadline is about one week earlier if you are registering by mail

SAT Test Dates 2021 (International)

Below are upcoming SAT testing dates for international test-takers. As with the domestic test dates, all of these dates have been confirmed by the College Board.

Test Date Registration Deadline Online Score Release
December 4, 2021 November 4, 2021 December 17, 2021


Anticipated SAT Test Dates and Deadlines (2022)

These dates aren’t confirmed by the College Board but are when they currently expect the SAT to be held in 2022.

SAT Test Dates 2022 (US)

The following test dates are for 2022. Only the test dates and registration deadlines through June 2022 are confirmed by the College Board. The later dates are anticipated, not confirmed, and are subject to change.

Test Date Normal Deadline Late Registration Online Score Release
March 12, 2022 February 11, 2022 March 1, 2022 March 25, 2022
May 7, 2022 April 8, 2022 April 26, 2022 May 20, 2022
June 4, 2022 May 5, 2022 May 25, 2022 June 17, 2022
August 27, 2022 July 29, 2022 August 16, 2022 September 9, 2022
October 1, 2022 September 2, 2022 September 20, 2022 October 14, 2022
November 5, 2022 October 6, 2022 October 25, 2022 November 18, 2022
December 3, 2022 November 4, 2022 November 22, 2022 December 16, 2022


Anticipated SAT Test Dates 2022 (International)

The following test dates are for 2022. Only the test dates and registration deadlines through May 2022 are confirmed by the College Board. The later dates are anticipated, not confirmed, and are subject to change.

Test Date Registration Deadline Online Score Release
March 12, 2022 February 11, 2022 March 25, 2022
May 7, 2022 April 8, 2022 May 20, 2022
August 27, 2022 July 29, 2022 September 9, 2022
October 1, 2022 September 2, 2022 October 14, 2022
December 3, 2022 November 4, 2022 December 16, 2022




SAT Test Dates: 2021-2022 Visual Calendar and Trends

When it comes to choosing SAT dates, you don’t want to simply register for the next available date. To help you select the best SAT test dates for you personally, we’ve created an easy-to-use visual calendar for the 2021-2022 SAT test dates. This infographic allows us to look at trends in SAT dates and see whether certain dates and deadlines overlap with others.

testdates20212022-SAT© 2020 PrepScholar Inc. Use with Link to PrepScholar.com Allowed

As you can see on this visual calendar, SAT test dates are tightly clustered in the late summer and fall. This is due to the fact that most college application deadlines are in the late fall and early winter. Essentially, the College Board is giving seniors multiple shots at hitting their SAT goal scores right before their applications are due.

In the spring, SAT dates are more spread out, with the exception of May and June. This is, again, due to the fact that there are fewer college application deadlines in spring than there are in fall and early winter. These dates are also geared more toward juniors and other students who’d like to take the SAT early.

Next, we can see that because of the high number of test dates in the fall, it’s difficult to take two SATs in a row. By the time your score for one test comes out, the late registration date for the next test will have often already passed!

Even if you were to go ahead and register for another test without knowing your scores, you might end up ultimately wasting money on a retake if your scores are higher than you thought they’d be. Likewise, if you don’t sign up for the following test, you might miss your only shot at raising your scores before your application deadlines.

Taking back-to-back SATs also doesn’t give you enough time to make the most out of your retake; you’ll likely see little, if any, improvement in your scores due to the lack of adequate prep time in between tests.


Choosing the Best SAT Test Date for You: 5 Essential Factors

It’s critical you choose an SAT test date that’ll work well for not just anyone but you specifically. Below are five major factors you’ll want to consider before committing to a test date.

#1: When Are Your College Application Deadlines?

By far the most important factors are your college application deadlines. In the US, most deadlines fall around January 1 (for regular decision) and November 1 or 15 (for early action/early decision).

The College Board sends SAT scores to schools (for your four free score reports) within 10 days after you receive your exam scores or approximately three to five weeks after the exam. However, not all schools process scores straight away; in fact, some might take a week or so to report scores. As a result, you might have to wait at most around six weeks after your test date for your schools to officially process your SAT scores.

And this doesn’t even include the extra time needed to process orders for additional score reports (if you have more than four schools you want to send scores to). Ordering these reports will add at least another week or two once scores are released.

Therefore, as a rule, don’t take the SAT less than five or six weeks before your college apps are due. If you’ll be ordering additional score reports after your scores come out, stick with test dates more than seven or eight weeks before your deadlines.

Remember that if your schools don’t receive or process your SAT scores in time, your application could get disqualified! So plan accordingly.

#2: Are You Applying for SAT Scholarships?

Another factor is SAT scholarships. Generally, school-based SAT scholarships will use the same deadlines as college applications. If you’re not sure when your SAT scores are due, contact your schools directly to ask whether your scores should arrive earlier than or with your application.

#3: How Many Times Will You Take the SAT?

You should also consider whether you might want to retake the SAT if you’re not getting the scores you need for college.

We typically recommend taking the SAT at least twice, possibly three times, depending on your score goals. Here’s our suggested SAT schedule:

  • Take the SAT in the fall of your junior year
  • Take the SAT a second time in the spring of your junior year
  • Take the SAT a final time in the late summer/early fall of your senior year

If you took your first SAT in the spring of your junior year instead of in the fall, you still have plenty of opportunities to take the SAT once or twice more. You could, for example, take the SAT a second time in June or August and a third time in October or November.

That said, avoid registering for back-to-back SAT test dates, especially in the fall of your senior year. Squeezing in too many SATs gives you barely any time to study and probably won’t raise your score by any noticeable margin.

Furthermore, trying to balance so much prep during the school year—and as you’re applying to college, no less!—is an incredibly stressful endeavour. So spread out your tests as best you can.




#4: How Much Study Time Will You Need?

Before you register for the SAT, decide how much time you’ll need to dedicate to studying. We normally recommend setting aside three to six months for SAT prep. This amount of time allows you to space out your study sessions so that you’re studying consistently without burning yourself out.

More importantly, though, you’ll want a sufficient number of study hours. The number of hours you’ll have to spend studying depends on the number of points you’d like to improve your baseline SAT score by. (A baseline score is a score you get on an official SAT practise test before you begin any SAT prep.)

Below are the (approximate) number of study hours required to make the following total point improvements on the SAT:

  • 0-30 point improvement: 10 hours
  • 30-70 point improvement: 20 hours
  • 70-130 point improvement: 40 hours
  • 130-200 point improvement: 80 hours
  • 200-330 point improvement: 150 hours+

As you can see, the bigger the point increase you want, the more hours you’ll have to study.

Unfortunately, not everyone has a ton of time to devote entirely to SAT prep. At a minimum, try to clock in at least 10 hours of prep.

If you only have a month or so before test day, you can still make large score increases—so long as you’re willing to put in the effort. You can also use our last-minute SAT tips and strategies to help you get the score you want.

#5: Will You Have Any Obligations or Conflicts?

Finally, consider your obligations. Is there anything you can’t reschedule that’ll be taking place on a certain test date? Do you have any ongoing commitments (school or otherwise) that could prevent you from being able to focus on your SAT prep? Obligations can be anything, from school plays and AP tests to sports tournaments and family vacations.

Before you choose a test date, make sure that you’re keenly aware of your schedule. I suggest using a planner to take note of any big chunks of time during which you’ll be too busy to study for the SAT.

Ultimately, if a certain test date feels overwhelming, choose another one for which you’ll have far fewer obligations in the period leading up to it.



Quick Guide: What’s the Best SAT Test Date for Juniors? For Seniors? For Early Action?

In reality, the “best” SAT test date varies for each student; however, sometimes you just want to know what a good test date is, generally speaking. Here, we give you a brief look at the best SAT test dates for four common scenarios.

Scenario 1: You’re a Junior

Best Dates

  • For 1st SAT: October, November, December
  • For 2nd SAT: March, May, June

You should always take your first SAT as a junior, ideally in the fall. The October and November test dates offer lots of flexibility and plenty of time to study and prepare for round two should you want to take the SAT again.

In the spring, try to take the SAT in March or May—or at the latest, June. These dates ensure you’ll have the entire summer to evaluate your scores, finalize your list of colleges, and decide whether you’d like to take the test again in August or autumn.

Scenario 2: You’re a Senior

  • Best Dates: August, October, November
  • Riskier Dates: December

As a senior, you have up to four possible SAT test dates (for regular decision deadlines): August, October, November, and December.

As with all college prep, the earlier the better! Try to take the SAT in August, October, or November. These three test dates should have little trouble getting your scores to colleges in time, assuming your earliest deadline is somewhere around January 1.

Although you can opt for the December test date, too, I would only do so if your deadlines are January 10 or later. December scores aren’t usually released until late December, so January 1 might be playing it a little too close for some colleges. Check with your schools directly to verify whether they’ll accept SAT scores from the December test date before you register for it.

If your regular decision deadline happens to be especially early, as the University of California’s November 30 deadline, opt for the August or October test dates instead.

Scenario 3: You’re Applying Early Action/Early Decision

  • Best Dates: June, August
  • Riskier Dates: October

Most early action deadlines are November 1 or 15. A June or August test date (before your senior year) is an excellent choice since scores from either test date should get to your school in time. These dates also give you the fall to focus entirely on your college applications instead of on SAT prep.

The October deadline is a bit riskier, though, as its scores aren’t normally released until the end of October. So if your deadline is November 1, October probably won’t work. If your deadlines are November 15 or later, however, October should be fine.

Scenario 4: Your College Applications Aren’t Due Until February or Later

Many schools have later-than-normal deadlines in February, March, April, May, June, July, August, and even September. So which SAT test dates will work for these late decision schools?

Below are the latest SAT test dates you can choose depending on your college application deadline. The latest recommended dates are pretty much guaranteed to get your SAT scores to schools in time, whereas the riskier dates might not get your scores in before the deadlines.

College App Deadline Latest Recommended SAT Test Date Riskier SAT Test Date
January November December
February December
March December
April December March
May March
June March May
July May June
August June
September June August
November August October
December October November


SAT Test Dates May Change
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Additional Resources for Info on SAT Test Dates

Need extra assistance with choosing SAT test dates? Our top resources below will help you pinpoint the best SAT dates for you:

  • When Should You Take the SAT or ACT? Best Test Dates: Our popular guide to SAT/ACT test dates zeroes in on the four most important factors you’ll need to consider when selecting a test date. You can also check out our more general guide to the other major factors that come into play when choosing a test date.
  • SAT/ACT Test Dates & Study Plan for Sophomores and Juniors: Seeking advice on when to take the SAT or ACT your sophomore or junior year? This guide walks you through a typical SAT/ACT test-taking schedule and offers targeted tips for honing your weaknesses.
  • 5 Step SAT/ACT Test Dates & Study Plan for Summer Before Senior Year: This step-by-step guide explains how to structure a personalized SAT/ACT study plan before your senior year.
  • The Best SAT and ACT Test Dates for Senior Fall: Looking for a guide geared specifically toward seniors? Here, we lay out the SAT/ACT test dates in autumn and provide you with tips on how to choose the best date for you.
  • Can I Get an Alternate SAT Test Date?: If there’s a conflict with your current SAT test date, you might be able to schedule an alternate test date for the following week. Read our guide to learn everything you can do to ensure your request is successful.
  • SAT and ACT Test Date Lists: For more general SAT/ACT test date info, check out our year-by-year guides:
    • SAT Test Dates 2022
    • ACT Test Dates Full Guide to Choosing (2021, 2022)

The Final Word: What to Know About SAT Test Dates

Although exact SAT test dates change each testing year, the exam will always be administered a total of seven times across the following months (in the US):

  • August
  • October
  • November
  • December
  • March
  • May
  • June

For the most part, international test dates are similar to US ones, except no June or November SAT test dates are held internationally. (These dates were previously only for SAT Subject Tests, and after the final Subject Tests were given in June 2021, Subject Tests ceased being offered.)

To choose a test date that’s right for you, consider the following four factors:

  • When your college application and scholarship deadlines are
  • How many times do you want to take the SAT
  • How much time you’re willing to study
  • Whether you’ll have any obligations that might prevent you from taking the SAT on a certain date

Hopefully, after reading this guide, you now have a clearer and more confident sense as to which SAT test dates will work for you!

What’s Next?

Planning ahead for 2023, 2025 or 2025? Then take a look at our handy (and updated!) compilation of future SAT test dates.

You’ve chosen an SAT test date—your next step now is to get online and register for the SAT. Our detailed guide offers easy-to-follow instructions to help walk you smoothly through the registration process.

Ready to get a great SAT score? Consider the many different ways you can prep for the exam by reading our free eBook. And if you’re hoping for a perfect score, check out our in-depth guide to getting 1600 on the SAT, written by an expert full scorer!

Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? We’ve written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Also, See frequently asked questions& Ans to it

1, Can anyone take the SATS?

While people associate the SAT with high school students, there are several reasons someone may need or want to take the SAT after high school. But can you take the SAT after high school? Absolutely

2, Are American SATS multiple choice?

The SAT is a multiple-choice, pencil-and-paper test created and administered by the College Board. The purpose of the SAT is to measure a high school student’s readiness for college, and provide colleges with one common data point that can be used to compare all applicants.

3, What SAT score required for Harvard

Harvard SAT Score Analysis (New 1600 SAT)

There’s no absolute SAT requirement at Harvard, but they really want to see at least a 1460 to have a chance at being considered.

4, Is it too late to take SAT senior year?

Your Senior Year

For early admissions, October is probably too late, but check if your college will accept a test score this close to the application deadline. … This test is too late for students who are applying early admissions—early admission decision letters usually arrive between mid-December and February.

5, How do I study for pre SAT?

Below are the five major steps you’ll need to take in order to get the most out of your PSAT test prep.

Step 1: Learn the PSAT Format. …

Step 2: Set a PSAT (or SAT) Goal Score. …

Step 3: Take PSAT Practice Tests. …

Step 4: Analyze Your Mistakes. …

Step 5: Use SAT Questions & Tests for Extra Practice.

6, What colleges are not requiring SAT for 2022.

Test-Optional, Test-Blind, and Test-Flexible Schools for the 2021-2022 College Admissions Cycle:

Adelphi University: Test-Optional for 2022.

Agnes Scott College: Test-Optional permanently.

Albertus Magnus College: Test-Optional permanently.

Albion College: Test-Optional for 2022.

7, What schools dont require 2022 SAT?

Which Colleges Are Not Requiring SAT/ACT Scores for 2021/2022 College Admissions?

School Name Location

California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) San Luis Obispo, CA

Canisius College Buffalo, NY

Carleton College Carleton, MN

Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA.

8, Does ACT of 2022 require SAT and ACT?

These schools have already decided to make the SAT/ACT optional for the Class of 2021 and Class of 2022. The SAT Essay and ACT Writing Test will also not be used at all for admissions (source).

9, Is SAT exam tough?

Is sat easy or hard? When it comes to SAT vs JEE, SAT exam is easier in comparison but a hard exam in general. It contains sections from English and Maths which can be tricky and difficult.

10, Is passport necessary for SAT in USA?

All test takers in USA must use valid passports as their ID (Identification documents). Without a valid passport you will not be admitted at the Test Center on your test date. It is very important that the name which you register with exactly matches the name appearing on your ID

12, When should my child take the ACT?

Most students should wait to take the SAT or ACT until after Sophomore year. Both the SAT and ACT test content that students don’t learn until sophomore year, including Algebra II and Geometry. Most students shouldn’t wait to take the SAT or ACT for the first time until the winter of Senior year.

13, When should I start preparing for SAT?

Start early

Choose an SAT date far enough in advance that you have time to prepare—we recommend 2–3 months. Starting early gets you to gauge how much you need to study each week and helps you prevent cramming. Students who start studying earlier do better on the SAT and have more confidence going into the test.

14, What age do you take SATS in America?

The SAT test is mostly taken by the students of high school or intermediate who are generally from the age group 17-19 years. Read the complete article to understand who can take the SAT test, what College Board says on SAT test eligibility 2022 and other related information.

15, How often is the SAT offered?

seven times each year

The SAT is offered nationally seven times each year, in March, May, June, August, October, November, and December, usually on a Saturday. See the current SAT test date schedule for the exact dates.

16, Will SAT be required for class of 2023?

For the class of 2025 and beyond, expect that you WILL have to take either the SAT or ACT for your college admissions. … There are several colleges and universities that have always been test optional, and a few will still be Test Optional or Test Blind/Test Free for your year due to the pandemic.

17, What are the SAT test dates for 2022?

The 2022-23 SAT test dates are only tentatively listed by the College Board and could still change.

SAT Test Dates and Deadlines 2022-23.

Test Date Registration Deadline Late Registration Deadline

November 5, 2022 October 6, 2022 October 25, 2022

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