JAMB Syllabus 2022/2025 For All Courses PDF File Free Download
March 31, 2025

JAMB Syllabus 2022/2025 For All Courses PDF File Free Download [All Subjects]

JAMB Syllabus 2022/2025 For All Courses PDF File Free Download [All Subjects]

Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) Syllabus for 2021/2022 UTME [Official Version]

In this post, I will show you EXACTLY JAMB Syllabus 2022/2025 For All Courses, JAMB Syllabus for 2022/2023.

JAMB Syllabus PDF? or have you been asking; What Is Syllabus for JAMB 2022/2023? JAMB Syllabus for Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Government, Literature In English, Biology, Accounting, Igbo, etc.

If Yes, then this post you are currently reading will benefit you as we are going to show you the JAMB Syllabus For All Courses PDF File 2022/2025 and all Subjects.


JAMB Syllabus – It’s very important for candidates preparing for the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) to avail themselves with the Syllabus prepared by the board to enable them to prepare well for the exam.

jamb syllabus

Have you ever wondered about getting the JAMB syllabus for the 2022 examination?

Well, in this article you will get the PDF for free. Whether, it is physics, chemistry, biology, government, English, or any other subject, they are available on this page.

What’s The JAMB syllabus?

The syllabus is a book that contains all the topics in a subject.

It was released by the board so that candidates can know which topics to read when preparing for the exam.

The syllabi also contain the recommended textbooks by JAMB for UTME & DE candidates.

Is the UTME syllabus helpful?

That’s even an understatement, the syllabus is more than helpful.

If you read my article on JAMB secrets, you will see where I mentioned how important it is.

After downloading them from this site, make sure you use them while studying.


I got all of them from the official source (JAMB ibass portal).

It’s even the same as the one used in 2021.

Is UTME syllabus the same every year

It’s not always the same, but JAMB does not regularly change it.

They only add some topics if there’s a need for that.

However, you don’t need to worry as the ones on this site are the latest syllabi.

How to Download JAMB syllabus 2022 PDF

To download the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination syllabus PDF, click on the subject link below.

Why Candidates Should Download JAMB 2022 Syllabus

The Joint Admissions & Matriculation Board, JAMB Syllabus is useful for candidates that wish to check the topics they they need to read.

JAMB syllabus also contain the recommended textbooks. These textbooks will usually contain the topics you need to familiarize yourself with.

Useful JAMB Information:

Before you start with the syllabus and downloading them to your device, below are some pieces of information you should check about JAMB registration.

List of JAMB Syllabus 2022 pdf Downloads

Agriculture jamb syllabus (.pdf) Download

The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination syllabus in Agriculture is to prepare the candidates for the Board’s examination. It is designed to test their achievement of the course objectives, which are to:

1. stimulate and sustain their interest in Agriculture;
2. acquire basic knowledge and practical skills in Agriculture;
3. acquire the knowledge of interpretation and the use of data;
4. stimulate their ability to make deductions using the acquired knowledge in Agriculture

The syllabus is divided into five sections as given below:

A. General Agriculture
B. Agronomy
C. Animal Production
D. Agricultural Economics and Extension
E. Agricultural Technology

Art-JAMB-Syllabus_(.pdf) Download

The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in Art is to prepare the candidates for the Board’s examination. It is designed to test their achievement of the course objectives, which are to:

1. exhibit knowledge of the fundamental elements, principles and terminology of art;
2. demonstrate knowledge of historical dimensions of art with emphasis on Egyptian and Nigerian art;
3. demonstrate knowledge of artistic techniques, processes, the use of materials and maintenance of tools and equipment;
4. display aesthetic sensitivity to the environment and knowledge of the meaning and function of art in society.

Arabic JAMB Syllabus (.pdf) Download

The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in Arabic is to prepare the candidates for the Board’s examination. It is designed to test their achievement of the course objectives, which are to:

1. answer comprehension question correctly in standard Arabic;
2. translate simple texts from English to Arabic and vice versa;
3. apply the rules of Arabic grammar functionally;
4. see simply Arabic comprehension
5. appreciate Arabic literary texts within the contexts of their environment and eras;
6. use Arabic as a living world language in communication where necessary.

Biology-jamb-syllabus (.pdf) Download

The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in Biology is to prepare the candidates for the Board’s examination. It is designed to test their achievement of the course objectives, which are to:

1. demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the concepts of the interdependence and unity of life;
2. account for continuity of life through reorganization, inheritance and evolution;
3. apply biological principles and concepts to everyday life, especially to matters affecting the individual, society, the environment, community health and the economy.

Chemistry JAMB Syllabus (.pdf) Download

The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in Chemistry is to prepare the candidates for the Board’s examination. It is designed to test their achievement of the course objectives, which are to:

(i) apply the basic principles governing scientific methods in new situations;
(ii) interpret scientific data;
(iii) deduce the relationships between chemistry and other sciences;
(iv) apply the knowledge of chemistry to industry and everyday life.

Commerce JAMB Syllabus (.pdf) Download

The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in Commerce is to prepare the candidates for the Board’s examination. It is designed to test their achievement of the course objectives, which are to:

(1) acquire the basic concepts of Commerce;
(2) examine the relationship between Commerce and other related business subjects;
(3) apply the principles of Commerce in Nigeria;
(4) appreciate modern, dynamic and positive changes in commercial activities.

CRS JAMB Syllabus (.pdf) Download

The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in Christian Religious Studies is to prepare the candidates for the Board’s examination. It is designed to test their achievement of the course objectives, which are to:

1. acquire the knowledge and understanding of the tenets of the Christian faith as contained in the Bible
2. interpret biblical teachings and themes;
3. apply biblical teachings and tenets to life in society;

The syllabus is divided into four sections, namely:

1. SECTION A: Themes from creation to the Division of the Kingdom
2. SECTION B: Themes from the Division of the Kingdom to the Return from Exile and the Prophets
3. SECTION C: Themes from the four Gospels and Acts of the Apostles
4. SECTION D: Themes from selected Epistle

Economics JAMB Syllabus (.pdf) Download

The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in Economics is to prepare the candidates for the Board’s examination. It is designed to test their achievement of the course objectives, which are to:

1. demonstrate sufficient knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts, tolls and their general applications to economic analysis;
2. identify and explain the basic structure, operations and roles of the various economics units and institutions (national and international);
3. describe major economic activities – production, distribution and consumption;
4. identify and appraise the basic economic problems of society;
5. develop the competence to proffer solutions to economic problems.

French JAMB Syllabus (.pdf) Download

The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in French is to prepare the candidates for the Board’s examination. It is designed to test their achievement of the course objectives, which are to:

1. assess written comprehension in French;
2. identify how French sounds work in speech production;
3. examine the culture of Francophone West Africa and France in relation (where possible) to home country;
4. appreciate straightforward literary texts in French;
5. apply the principles governing the structure and use of written French.

Geography JAMB pdf Syllabus Download

The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in Geography is to prepare the candidates for the Board’s examination. It is designed to test their achievement of the course objectives, which are to:

1. handle and interpret topographical maps, statistical data and diagrams and basic field survey;
2. demonstrate knowledge of man’s physical and human environment and how man lives and earns a living on earth surface with special reference to Nigeria and Africa;
3. show understanding of the interrelationship between man and his environment;
4. apply geographical concepts, skills and principles to solving problems.

Government Jamb Syllabus (.pdf) Download

The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in Government is to prepare the candidates for the Board’s examination. The objectives it tests are to:

i. appreciate the meaning of government;
ii. analyse the framework and specify the institutions of government;
iii. explain the concept of citizenship and define the duties and obligations of a citizen;
iv. appreciate the process of political development;
v. evaluate the political development and problems of governance in Nigeria;
vi. assess the role of Nigeria as a member of the international community and the workings of international organizations.

Hausa JAMB Syllabus Download

The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in Hausa is to prepare the candidates for the Board’s examination. It is designed to test their achievement of the course objectives, which are to enable the candidates to:

1. acquire the ability to read and write competently in the Hausa language;
2. know the basic features of Hausa grammar;
3. have the basic knowledge of oral and written Hausa literature;
4. have the ability to appreciate the culture, customs and institutions of the Hausa people.

The syllabus covers the following areas:

1. Harshe (Language)
2. Al’adu (culture)
3. Adabi (Literature) – oral and written literature.

History JAMB Syllabus .pdf

The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in History is to prepare the candidates for the Board’s examinations. We designed it to test their achievement of the course objectives, which are to:

1. impart knowledge of Nigerian history from earliest times to the present;
2. identify the similarities and relationship between the people of Nigeria as they relate to the issues of national unity and integration;
3. appropriate African history and Africa’s relationship with the wider world;
4. analyse issues of modernization and development;
5. evaluate the past and relate it to the present and plan for the future.

Home Economics JAMB Syllabus Download .pdf

The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in Home Economics is to prepare the candidates for the Board’s examination. We designed it to test the candidate achievement of the course objectives, which are to:

1. Acquire knowledge on the concepts and principles of Home Economics education;
2. Apply the principles of foods and nutrition to meal planning and the adoption of safe sanitary habits;
3. Be able to select appropriate clothing for all occasions and body types;
4. Apply the knowledge of housing selection, planning the interior space arrangement of furniture and furnishing the home.

Igbo Jamb syllabus.pdf

The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in Igbo is to prepare the candidates for the Board’s examination. It tests your achievement of the course objectives, which are to:

1) communicate effectively in Igbo;
2) analyse issues in the language;
3) interpret and explain figurative and idiomatic expression in Igbo;
4) apply Igbo literature to their daily life experiences and to demonstrate Igbo cultural values.

Islamic Studies JAMB Syllabus Download

The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in Islamic Studies is to prepare the candidates for the Board’s examination. It is designed to test their achievement of the course objectives, which are to:

1. master the Qur’an and sunnah as foundations of Islamic and social life;
2. be familiar with Islamic heritage, culture and civilization;
3. acquaint yourself with the tradition of Islamic scholarship and intellectual discourse;
4. demonstrate knowledge of Islamic moral, spiritual, political and social values;
5. prepare to face the challenges of life as good practicing Muslims.

Literature-in-English JAMB Syllabus PDF Download

The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in Literature in English is to prepare the candidates for the Board’s examination. We designed it to test their achievement of the course objectives, which are to:

1. Stimulate and sustain their interest in Literature in English;
2. Create an awareness of the general principles and functions of language;
3. Appreciate literary works of all genres and across all cultures;
4. Apply the knowledge of Literature in English to the analysis of social, political and economic events in the society.

Mathematics JAMB Syllabus Download (.pdf)

The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in Mathematics is to prepare the candidates for the Board’s examination. It is designed to test the achievement of the course objectives, which are to:

(1) acquire computational and manipulative skills;
(2) develop precise, logical and formal reasoning skills;
(3) apply mathematical concepts to resolve issues in daily living;

This syllabus is divided into five sections:

I. Number and Numeration.
II. Algebra
III. Geometry/Trigonometry.
IV. Calculus
V. Statistics

Music JAMB Syllabus Download (.pdf)

The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in Music is to prepare the candidates for the Board’s examination. It is designed to test their achievement of the course objectives which are to:

1. appreciate and discuss music fairly and critically;
2. identify, through written analysis, the features of the music of the different periods of Western and African music history, peoples, its forms and the media;
3. appreciate the influence of socio-cultural factors on the lives and music of musicians.

Physics JAMB Syllabus Download (.pdf)

The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in Physics is to prepare the candidates for the Board’s examination. We designed it to test their achievement of the course objectives, which are to:

(1) sustain their interest in physics;
(2) develop attitude relevant to physics that encourage accuracy, precision and objectivity;
(3) interpret physical phenomena, laws, definitions, concepts and other theories;
(4) demonstrate the ability to solve correctly physics problems using relevant theories and concepts.

Principles of Account JAMB Syllabus

The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in Principles of Accounts is to prepare the candidates for the Board’s examination. It is designed to test their achievement of the course objectives, which are to:

  1. Stimulate and sustain their interest in Principles of Accounts;
  2. Use the basic knowledge of and practical skills in Accounting;
  3. Apply the knowledge of interpretation of accounting information to decision making;
  4. Determine the relevance of accounting to business and governments;
  5. Use information and communication technology for present and future challenges.

Use of English JAMB Syllabus Download (.pdf)

The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in Use of English is to prepare the candidates for the Board’s examination. It tests your achievement of the course objectives, which are to:

(1) communicate effectively in both written and spoken English;
(2) have a sound linguistic basis for learning at the tertiary level.

The syllabus consists of two sections:

SECTION A: Comprehension/Summary

SECTION B: Lexis, Structure and Oral Forms

Yorùbá JAMB Syllabus Download (.pdf)

The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in Yorùbá is to prepare the candidates for the Board’s examination. It is designed to test their achievement of the course objectives, which are to:

1. stimulate and sustain their interest in Yorùbá language, literature and culture;
2. acquire basic knowledge and skill in Yorùbá language, literature and material and non-material aspects of culture.

You can use the above JAMB 2022/2025 syllabus for the subjects listed to prepare for your examination.

Link to these syllabus are also available on JAMB Website at http://ibass.jamb.gov.ng/syllabus/topics. Make sure you check them before proceeding to read or buy any books.

Here’s how to use the UTME syllabus in your study plan.

Write out the topics in the syllabus inside your notebook, do this for the four subjects you are sitting for.

Check your textbooks to make sure it covers the topics.

Study each topic and solve past questions on them.

Mark the topics you are done with and monitor your progress

Do these until you have covered the syllabus for your JAMB combo.

Good luck!

Does JAMB follow their syllabus?

Yes, they follow everything in their syllabi.

Make sure you share this post with your friends and subscribe to our newsletter. If you have any questions, leave a comment below.

The Joint Admissions & Matriculation Board, JAMB Syllabus is now readily available online for candidates that wish to check the topics they are required to read and the recommended texts.

Online JAMB syllabus is the easiest and convenient way to get relevant information regarding each subject Objectives, Topics, Contents, Notes and Recommended Textbooks.

It’s important you Download JAMB CBT Software from Here.

JAMB Syllabus is freely accessible once you are connected to the internet.


JAMB Syllabus for All Subjects

Click on your subjects to access the topics/contents/notes, objectives and recommended books.

  1. Agriculture jamb syllabus
  2. Art-JAMB-Syllabus_Expocoded.com
  3. Arabic JAMB Syllabus
  4. Biology-jamb-syllabus (.pdf) Download
  5. Chemistry JAMB Syllabus (.pdf) Download
  6. Commerce JAMB Syllabus (.pdf) Download
  7. CRS JAMB Syllabus (.pdf) Download
  8. Economics JAMB Syllabus (.pdf) Download
  9. French JAMB Syllabus (.pdf) Download
  10. Geography JAMB pdf Syllabus Download
  11. Government Jamb Syllabus (.pdf) Download
  12. Hausa JAMB Syllabus Download
  13. History JAMB Syllabus .pdf
  14. Home Economics JAMB Syllabus Download .pdf
  15. Igbo Jamb syllabus.pdf
  16. Islamic Studies JAMB Syllabus Download
  17. Literature-in-English JAMB Syllabus PDF Download
  18. Mathematics JAMB Syllabus Download (.pdf)
  19. Music JAMB Syllabus Download (.pdf)
  20. Physics JAMB Syllabus Download (.pdf)
  21. Principles of Account JAMB Syllabus
  22. Use of English JAMB Syllabus Download (.pdf)
  23. Yorùbá JAMB Syllabus Download (.pdf)

Best of Luck!


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Tagged with: www.jamb.gov.ng | Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board: JAMB

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