March 8, 2025

BECE (JSS3) Junior WAEC Result 2025 | How to Check

BECE (JSS3) Junior WAEC Result 2025 | How to Check

Did you partake in the just concluded BECE examination? Are you aware the result is out? Have you checked your results? Do you know the requirements needed to check your result? Or do you have the official link to check your results?

Here we will be talking about the requirements, the links, and the step-by-step guide to check the BECE junior WAEC examination

BECE is a word used to describe the Basic Education Certificate Examination. It is an examination that is administered by NECO (National Examination Council).

The examination is known as a certificate examination written by the third-class students of Junior secondary schools to usher them into the Senior Secondary School.

Most schools or students know it to be Junior WAEC.

The examination is taken after registration is done by schools and the examination is graded as follows

  1. A which stands for Distinction
  2. B which stands for Upper credit
  3. C which stands for Lower Credit
  4. P which stands for Pass
  5. F which stands for Fail

If you or maybe your WARD are yet to Write this EXAM, you are instructed to Step up your preparation with ExamGuide JSSCE CBT Learning App, a trusted tool for exam success. Join thousands of successful students and turn your BECE dreams score into reality – download BECE CBT Learning App now and start your journey to academic excellence

Where can I check my BECE result?

The BECE result of every state is made available in the state’s BECE result portal. All candidates are advised to check the BECE result portal of their state.

The BECE result is made available online on the BECE portal to be accessed by all candidates who registered and wrote for the BECE examination

What are the requirements I need to check the BECE result?

The following are the requirements needed to check the BECE result

  1. A valid internet connection
  2. The BECE official portal Link
  3. Your school BECE identification number
  4. Registered EMial Adress
  5. Result checking PIN
  6. Examination year
  7. Your examination number

A valid internet connection

This is the very first thing you must have. A stable and active internet connection. This I what will help you enjoy the process for as long as you wish to stay on the platform.

Else you will be getting error messages and inactive connection messages

The BECE official link

This is the second thing you need to do. get the official link for the BECE examination. You have to note that each state has its own BECE website. so in whichever state, you are writing the examination, check the official link of the BECE in your state. Here are some

  1. Benue state _______
  2. Lagos state _______
  3. Taraba state ______
  4. Niger State ______
  5. Plateau state ______  etc

BECE School Identification Number

Each school in the state is being given a unique number and this is what is required of you. The school number to determine the exact result from the school you sat the BECE.

This is a unique number attached to a particular school and cannot be shared. ‘

Registered Email Adress

This is an active email address you attached to the portal during registration. This is the email address you will use to recover your account details like passwords etc in case of a lost identification number or forgotten password.

Also, this emila dress is what you will be getting notifications from about the BECE result process.

Result Checking PIN

Just like WAEC and NECo, you have to get a scratch card which contains a token to check your result online. this token can be purchased online or you can visit your state BECE office to get it

Examination Year

This is the year in which you registered and wrote the examination. This has to be accurate as a wrong date will cause error messages.

Registration/Examntaion number

Every candidate is attached to a unique examination or registration number. The number serves as a means of identification to the candidates.

The number cannot be shared, transferred or used for any other purpose.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Checking the BECE Junior WAEC Result for 2024/2025

  1. Get an internet connection
  2. Purchase the Token online or offline
  3. Click on the official BECE link of your state or click on
  4. Input your examination number
  5. Input your year of examination
  6. Inout the token bought
  7. Confirm the data provided is accurate
  8. Click on the check result
  9. Download, screenshot, or print the online result

What is the Cost of Checking the BECE Junior WAEC Result?

The BECE junior Wof AEc result is free to check online. All candidates are advised to get the requirements and check the results.

If you come across anybody who intends to extort money for you to check the result, please report it to the appropriate authority.

The only thing you are to pay money for is the TOken which can be purchased by the candidate online or at the BECE center around him or her.


This is a brief article on the step-by-step guide, the requirement to check the BECE junior WAEC for the current session online.

This result can be printed online, saved as a document and even screenshotted. For more information and inquiries you can visit the official BCED website at

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