2021 GOMSU Post-UTME/DE cut-off mark, eligibility and registration
March 31, 2025

2021 GOMSU Post-UTME/DE cut-off mark, eligibility and registration details

2021 GOMSU Post-UTME/DE cut-off mark, eligibility and registration details

This is to inform all Candidates who applied for admission into the various Degree Programme of Gombe State University for 2021/2022 Academic Session that there shall be an Online Registration for Post UTME Screening Exercise commencing from Friday, 1st October-Thursday, 14th October 2021, for Candidates who have made the University as First Choice Institution, and

a. Scored a minimum of 140 points in the UTME for Degree Programmes in Science, Education, and Arts and Social Sciences

GOMSU Post-UTME/DE 2021: cut-off mark, eligibility and registration details

b. Scored a minimum of 200 points in the UTME, for Medicine, Pharmacy and Law Programmes. (Candidates with less than 200 points particularly for Medicine, Pharmacy and Law Programmes, are advised to immediately change to other alternative Programmes such as B.Sc: Botany, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, and Zoology; B.Sc (Ed): Chemistry, Computer Science, Geography, Mathematics and Physics, or English, History, Sociology, Public Administration e.t,c).

c. Possessed an NCE/UMB/Advanced Level GCE/Diploma for Direct Entry.

Eligible candidates shall visit the University portal: http://dhrd-gsu-edu.com/admissions to register for the Online Screening Exercise as follows

1. Enter Jamb Registration Number and Click. Get Details Now to retrieve Your Details

2. Enter Email address and Pay a Non-refundable Screening charge of Two Thousand Naira (2.000)

3. Click “Proceed to Form

3. Fill the Form to create UTME/DE Screening Account

4. Click Register

5. Candidate’s details captured will be displayed

5. Click “Generate Data Form

7. A PDF File of three pages shall be generated

(a) Page 1 of the PDF captures candidate’s Registration details

(b) Page 2 is the candidate’s Post-UTME Test I.D. Card

(c) Page 3 is Form Submission Acknowledgement Slip

B. Print the three pages and attach photocopies of all credentials to page 1 and submit them to the Academic Office.

The dates of Post-UTME Test (CBT) will be communicated to You through the Email Address and GSM Numbers You Provided on the form.

Candidates are to note that they must ensure strict adherence to all the Covid-19 Advisories and Protocol on large gatherings through the processes of the Screening Exercise

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