March 10, 2025

WAEC Syllabus for Mathematics 2024/2025

WAEC Syllabus for Mathematics 2024/2025

Are you preparing for the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) in Mathematics? Do you want to know the topics, objectives, and recommended textbooks for the Mathematics syllabus? If yes, then you are in the right place. In this blog post, I will share with you everything you need to know about the WAEC Syllabus for Mathematics 2024/2025.

WAEC Syllabus for Mathematics

What is WAEC Syllabus for Mathematics?

WAEC Syllabus for Mathematics is a document that outlines the scope, content, and objectives of the Mathematics course for the WASSCE. It also provides a list of recommended textbooks and authors that cover the topics in the syllabus. The syllabus is designed to test the candidates’ mathematical competency, computational skills, understanding of concepts, and application of knowledge to real-life situations.

The syllabus is divided into seven core areas that cover a wide spectrum of mathematical concepts and applications. These are:

  • Number and Numeration
  • Algebraic Processes
  • Mensuration
  • Plane Geometry
  • Introductory Calculus
  • Statistics and Probability
  • Vectors and Transformation

Each core area has subtopics, objectives, and notes that specify the level and depth of treatment required for the examination. The syllabus also indicates the weighting of each core area in terms of the percentage of marks allocated to it in the examination.

Why is WAEC Syllabus for Mathematics Important?

WAEC Syllabus for Mathematics is important for several reasons. First, it helps the candidates to know what to expect in the examination and how to prepare for it. By following the syllabus, the candidates can focus on the relevant topics and avoid wasting time on irrelevant or outdated materials. The syllabus also helps the candidates to identify their strengths and weaknesses and work on improving them.

Second, the syllabus helps the teachers and tutors to plan and deliver effective lessons that align with the examination standards and expectations. By using the syllabus as a guide, the teachers and tutors can ensure that they cover all the topics and objectives in the syllabus and teach them in a clear and comprehensive manner. The syllabus also helps the teachers and tutors to select appropriate textbooks and resources that suit the needs and levels of their students.

Third, the syllabus helps the examiners and markers to set and mark the examination papers in a consistent and fair way. By adhering to the syllabus, the examiners and markers can ensure that they test the candidates on the same topics and objectives and use the same criteria and rubrics to assess their performance. The syllabus also helps the examiners and markers to avoid ambiguity and confusion in the questions and answers.

How to Download WAEC Syllabus for Mathematics 2024/2025?

You can download the WAEC Syllabus for Mathematics 2024/2025 for free from the official website of the West African Examinations Council (WAEC). To download the syllabus, follow these steps:

  • Visit the WAEC website at
  • Click on the “Syllabus” tab on the homepage.
  • Select the year and subject of your choice from the drop-down menus.
  • Click on the “Download” button to download the syllabus in PDF format.
  • Save the syllabus on your device or print it out for future reference.

Alternatively, you can also get a hard copy of the syllabus from your school or any WAEC office near you.

How to Use WAEC Syllabus for Mathematics 2024/2025 Effectively?

To use the WAEC Syllabus for Mathematics 2024/2025 effectively, you need to do the following:

  • Read the syllabus carefully and understand the aims, objectives, and notes of each core area and subtopic.
  • Study the topics and subtopics in the syllabus in a systematic and sequential order, starting from the basics and progressing to the advanced levels.
  • Use the recommended textbooks and authors in the syllabus to supplement your learning and practice. You can also use other relevant and reliable sources of information, such as online videos, websites, blogs, podcasts, etc.
  • Solve as many past questions and mock tests as possible to familiarize yourself with the format, style, and difficulty of the examination. You can get past questions and mock tests from your school, WAEC office, or online platforms.
  • Review your work and check your answers for accuracy and correctness. You can also seek feedback and guidance from your teachers, tutors, peers, or online forums.
  • Revise and reinforce your learning regularly and keep track of your progress and improvement.

List of available wace subject syllabus

The WAEC syllabus is a document that outlines the topics and objectives for each subject in the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE). The syllabus helps students to prepare for the exam and know what to expect.

There are different syllabuses for different subjects, depending on the field of study and the level of difficulty. Some of the subjects are compulsory for all students, while others are optional or elective.

According to the WAEC website, the following are the subjects available for the WASSCE:

  • Agricultural Science
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Christian Religious Studies
  • Civic Education
  • Commerce
  • Computer Studies
  • Economics
  • English Language
  • Financial Accounting
  • Food and Nutrition
  • French Language
  • Further Mathematics
  • Geography
  • Government
  • History
  • Literature in English
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Physics
  • Principles of Cost Accounting
  • Social Studies
  • Technical Drawing
  • Animal Husbandry
  • Auto Body Repairs
  • Auto Electrical Work
  • Auto Mechanical Work
  • Auto Parts Merchandising
  • Basic Electricity/Applied Electricity
  • Basketry
  • Book Keeping
  • Building Construction
  • Business Management
  • Catering
  • Ceramics
  • Data Processing
  • Hausa Language
  • Health Education
  • Igbo Language
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
  • Insurance
  • Integrated Science
  • Islamic Religious Studies
  • Marketing
  • Yoruba Language

You can download the syllabus for each subject from the WAEC website or from other online platforms You can also get a hard copy of the syllabus from your school or any WAEC office near you.


WAEC Syllabus for Mathematics 2024/2025 is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to ace the WASSCE in Mathematics. It provides a comprehensive and detailed outline of the topics, objectives, and textbooks for the Mathematics course. By following the syllabus, you can prepare for the examination in a focused and effective way. You can also improve your mathematical skills and knowledge and apply them to real-life situations.

I hope this blog post has helped you to understand the WAEC Syllabus for Mathematics 2024/2025 better. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to share them below. I would love to hear from you and help you out. Thank you for reading and good luck with your examination!

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers about WAEC Syllabus for Mathematics 2024/2025

Q: How many questions are there in the WASSCE Mathematics paper?

A: The WASSCE Mathematics paper consists of two sections: Section A and Section B. Section A contains 50 multiple-choice questions, while Section B contains 10 essay-type questions. The total number of questions is 60.

Q: How long is the WASSCE Mathematics paper?

A: The WASSCE Mathematics paper is 2 hours and 30 minutes long. Section A is 1 hour and 15 minutes long, while Section B is 1 hour and 15 minutes long.

Q: How many marks are there in the WASSCE Mathematics paper?

A: The WASSCE Mathematics paper is 100 marks in total. Section A is 50 marks, while Section B is 50 marks.

Q: How is the WASSCE Mathematics paper graded?

A: The WASSCE Mathematics paper is graded according to the following scale:

  • A1: 75% and above
  • B2: 70% – 74%
  • B3: 65% – 69%
  • C4: 60% – 64%
  • C5: 55% – 59%
  • C6: 50% – 54%
  • D7: 45% – 49%
  • E8: 40% – 44%
  • F9: 39% and below

Q: What are the best textbooks and authors for the WASSCE Mathematics syllabus?

A: The WAEC Syllabus for Mathematics 2024/2025 recommends the following textbooks and authors:

  • New General Mathematics for Senior Secondary Schools by M.F. Macrae, A.O. Kalejaiye, P.N. Ugiagbe, and O.A. Adewara
  • New School Mathematics for Senior Secondary Schools by D.R. Y. Onwuasoanya and S.I. Eze
  • Further Mathematics Project Books 1 to 3 by Tuttuh-Adegun M.R., A. Oluwatope, and G.O. Adegoke
  • Essential Mathematics for Senior Secondary Schools by A. Oguniyi
  • Comprehensive Mathematics for Senior Secondary Schools by A. Oguniyi
  • Statistics for Senior Secondary Schools by A. Oguniyi
  • Calculus for Senior Secondary Schools by A. Oguniyi
  • Algebra and Trigonometry for Senior Secondary Schools by A. Oguniyi
  • Geometry and Vectors for Senior Secondary Schools by A. Oguniyi
  • Mathematics for WASSCE and SSCE by A. Oguniyi
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